Bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection in women, affecting 10 to 64 percent of the female population. Most women think that yeast infections are the most common vaginal infection, but in reality, it is bacterial vaginosis.
What Is It?
It is defined as an inflammation that occurs in the vagina caused by an imbalance of naturally occurring bacteria in the area. It is not generally considered a sexually transmitted disease and should not be confused with yeast infections like candidiasis. It is estimated that 1 in 3 women will develop the condition in their lifetime.
It usually occurs to women of all ages, but women with diabetes and menopause are at risk. If left untreated, bacterial vaginosis may increase a woman's risk to PID or pelvic inflammatory disease, endometritis, cervicitis, and complications during pregnancy.
Causes and Predisposing Factors
Normally, the vagina houses a small amount of bacteria and organisms. This is healthy and helps the vagina maintain its normal pH. Another protective bacterium, lactobacilli, prevents other vaginal organisms to multiply. A change in the normal bacterial flora due to use of antibiotics or pH imbalance may result to more resistant bacteria to flourish.
Primary causes include an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria and the gardnerella organism. The bacterium E. Coli, which is a normal inhabitant of the rectum, may also be spread to the vaginal area.
Other factors that cause bacterial vaginosis are poor hygiene, use of IUD in birth control, routine vaginal douching, poor health, and hot weather. Some studies have also shown that those with multiple partners may have an increased risk for vaginosis.
Signs and Symptoms
A homogenous white vaginal discharge with an unpleasant, foul, and fishy odor is usually the characteristic sign of bacterial vaginosis, particularly after intercourse. Itching and a burning sensation may also be present, but not all cases report the symptom. Most women are unaware that they are infected until they are diagnosed during a routine pap smear and pelvic exam. Stomach pains and severe cramps are associated symptoms.
Treatment includes the use of antibiotics like metronidazole and clindamycin. Route of administration is either orally or manually. Treatments are focused on eliminating unwanted bacteria, adding buffer or acid to lower the pH, introducing lactic bacteria, and adding growth factors substrate to increase lactic bacteria population. Adherence to the prescription is very important since recurrence of bacterial vaginosis is very high.
Vaginosis tends to recur and in many cases, standard antibiotic treatments do not work. There are natural alternatives like femanol that have been proven very effective. Alternatively, there is an ebook called 3 Days To Permanent Bacteria Vaginosis Relief that offers simple home remedies and advice to treat vaginosis.
Prevention of BV
It is important to always wipe from front to back after using the toilet to prevent E. Coli from entering the vagina from the rectum. Douching should be avoided unless necessary as it can disrupt the pH balance in the vagina. Always keep the vaginal area clean and dry especially after intercourse. Moisture is breeding ground for bacteria.
If one prefers tight clothing, one can alternate it with loose skirts and dresses to allow air to circulate. Cotton panties are also recommended to absorb moisture. Safe intercourse using condoms is also important.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Get Rid of Bacterial Vaginosis.
Step One: Confirm the diagnosisWe all have our thoughts on what is going on inside of our bodies, but unless we are a Doctor then there is really no way for us to really know what is going on. We can guess at best, but ultimately we need a Doctor to diagnose us and tell us what the real deal is. If you think you are suffering from bacterial vaginosis, then be sure to visit your Doctor so he or she can confirm that that is what you actually have. Once you have done this then you can move forward to treat it.
Step Two: Try the suggested treatments
If your Doctor recommended antibiotics or topical creams then go ahead and try them out. There is a small part of the population that actually responds well to these types of treatments. And for these lucky few the vaginosis is gone and done with. However, for a larger portion of women, this only tends to mask the problem temporarily. What they find is that the vaginosis actually comes back and in some cases it comes back with a vengeance. If you are finding this to be your case then move on to the last step.
Step Three: Treat it naturally
The vaginosis you are suffering from is just an imbalance in your vagina and there are several natural methods that you can try out to treat it. You can try using yogurt, oils or vinegar in your bath or directly in your vagina to help restore the good bacteria in your vagina and regain the balance needed to get rid of that foul smell and discharge that you have been suffering from. Treating the root cause and treating it naturally will help you to get rid of it for good once and for all.
Step Two: Try the suggested treatments
If your Doctor recommended antibiotics or topical creams then go ahead and try them out. There is a small part of the population that actually responds well to these types of treatments. And for these lucky few the vaginosis is gone and done with. However, for a larger portion of women, this only tends to mask the problem temporarily. What they find is that the vaginosis actually comes back and in some cases it comes back with a vengeance. If you are finding this to be your case then move on to the last step.
Step Three: Treat it naturally
The vaginosis you are suffering from is just an imbalance in your vagina and there are several natural methods that you can try out to treat it. You can try using yogurt, oils or vinegar in your bath or directly in your vagina to help restore the good bacteria in your vagina and regain the balance needed to get rid of that foul smell and discharge that you have been suffering from. Treating the root cause and treating it naturally will help you to get rid of it for good once and for all.
Treatments available for yeast infection ...
... are the likes of Nystatin, Clotrimazole, and Miconazole. These three are the most popular treatment that is usually given to patients. There are few generics that are also being recommended to patients and these are the Tioconazole, and Butoconazole.
Another treatment is the Boric acid suppository that is given each day for two weeks. When the disease has not been cured by the previous treatment, it will be changed to natural treatment. If all else fails, you will be given a more aggressive treatment, if this is the only way to get you cured.
Natural treatment available for yeast infection is the yogurt, some kind of prebiotic. If in case, it will not cure your infection totally, at least, it can eliminate the itchiness. Once the itch is gone, you can proceed to a more holistic treatment that will surely cure the disease effectively.
It is important that you observe proper hygiene all the time. Live a healthy life to prevent this kind of condition from happening. It is also important that you eat healthy foods and do not engage in any unhealthy activities that will make your immune system weak.
Another treatment is the Boric acid suppository that is given each day for two weeks. When the disease has not been cured by the previous treatment, it will be changed to natural treatment. If all else fails, you will be given a more aggressive treatment, if this is the only way to get you cured.
Natural treatment available for yeast infection is the yogurt, some kind of prebiotic. If in case, it will not cure your infection totally, at least, it can eliminate the itchiness. Once the itch is gone, you can proceed to a more holistic treatment that will surely cure the disease effectively.
It is important that you observe proper hygiene all the time. Live a healthy life to prevent this kind of condition from happening. It is also important that you eat healthy foods and do not engage in any unhealthy activities that will make your immune system weak.
Candida albicans or Candidasis.
This infection needs to be treated as early as possible so that it doesn't bring about any severe health problems especially during pregnancy. Vaginal yeast infection treatment is done using drugs, over-the-counter prescriptions, antifungal creams or even using natural methods.
Vaginal yeast infection treatment can be done using natural ways; some of them are given for you to know;
· Dietary changes - Dietary changes are essential for the treatment of the infection. Your diet must include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish and poultry, Oat bran, essential fatty acids like olive oil and most importantly plenty of water. All the more items like alcohol, caffeine, junk foods, sugar, margarine and white flour products should be avoided.
· Boric acid or Borax - This is also known to kill severe yeast infections. However, it may cause excess vaginal discharge and burning sensation. Boric acid is usually used for suppository treatments.
· Cranberries - These are used to treat urinary tract infection. These lower the pH of your urine and thus help in combating yeast infections.
· Garlic - Garlic should be added to the diet as it contains anti-fungal substance that kill off the yeast. It can also be used internally. However, this may not work for severe infection.
· Tea tree oil - Tea tree oil is also widely used for curing yeast infections.
· Yoghurt - It contains a bacterium which kills yeast by producing hydrogen peroxide. Yoghurt can be applied directly to the vulva and into the vagina till the infection is cured twice a day.
· Vaginal douching with tea infusion with dried herbs like Goldenseal and Oregon Grape Root is also an effective vaginal yeast infection treatment.
· When you use the mixture of vinegar along with water on the vaginal area, it helps a lot. This mixture is mainly used in order to kill any type of bacteria which is formed in the area and also making sure the good bacteria is not killed in the process.
Vaginal yeast infection treatment can be done in the ways states above, however it is always important to make sure what you do before going ahead with any type of curing means since you are going to be dealing with an extremely sensitive area that requires proper treatment. The reason why you require treatment either natural or medicines is to avoid any future infections.
Vaginal yeast infection treatment can be done using natural ways; some of them are given for you to know;
· Dietary changes - Dietary changes are essential for the treatment of the infection. Your diet must include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish and poultry, Oat bran, essential fatty acids like olive oil and most importantly plenty of water. All the more items like alcohol, caffeine, junk foods, sugar, margarine and white flour products should be avoided.
· Boric acid or Borax - This is also known to kill severe yeast infections. However, it may cause excess vaginal discharge and burning sensation. Boric acid is usually used for suppository treatments.
· Cranberries - These are used to treat urinary tract infection. These lower the pH of your urine and thus help in combating yeast infections.
· Garlic - Garlic should be added to the diet as it contains anti-fungal substance that kill off the yeast. It can also be used internally. However, this may not work for severe infection.
· Tea tree oil - Tea tree oil is also widely used for curing yeast infections.
· Yoghurt - It contains a bacterium which kills yeast by producing hydrogen peroxide. Yoghurt can be applied directly to the vulva and into the vagina till the infection is cured twice a day.
· Vaginal douching with tea infusion with dried herbs like Goldenseal and Oregon Grape Root is also an effective vaginal yeast infection treatment.
· When you use the mixture of vinegar along with water on the vaginal area, it helps a lot. This mixture is mainly used in order to kill any type of bacteria which is formed in the area and also making sure the good bacteria is not killed in the process.
Vaginal yeast infection treatment can be done in the ways states above, however it is always important to make sure what you do before going ahead with any type of curing means since you are going to be dealing with an extremely sensitive area that requires proper treatment. The reason why you require treatment either natural or medicines is to avoid any future infections.
How to Treat A Vaginal Yeast Infection at Home .
Ladies have you ever experienced an uncontrollable itch in your vagina? Do you ever wake up finding it all red and sore? Do you always smell something foul when you take off your underwear? Well if you are experiencing anyone of these symptoms then you do have a vaginal yeast infection. In this article I will be talking about vaginal yeast infection treatment that you can do at the comfort of your own home.
Vaginal yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of a fungus called Candida Albicans. Now this type of fungus already resides in our vaginal canal and is usually very harmless. But if our body is undergoing a major imbalance like pregnancy, monthly period or we just got sick, it can set off the growth of the fungus and therefore result to an infection.
However, there is some good news; you can actually treat a vaginal yeast infection using simple home remedies like the ones below.
Treatment 1 - get a piece of tampon and some plain yogurt, dip the tampon in the yogurt and insert it inside your vagina. The anti bacterial properties of the yogurt will actually help kill the fungus and relieve the soreness and redness.
Treatment 2 - get some apple cider vinegar, mix it up with water and use it as a vaginal wash or douche. This will help kill the fungus residing in your vagina.
Treatment 3 - cook some oatmeal, take half of it and eat it and apply half of it in the infected area. Oatmeal sucks out the fungus inside our body like what it does with cholesterol and if you apply it directly it also provides relief from the soreness caused by the infection.
Please also try to cut down on sugary foods, because sugar is the main staple food of the fungus. So if you cut off its source of energy it will be easier to get rid of it.
All the above treatments are very helpful but you need to know how and when to use them in order for them to be very effective.
Vaginal yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of a fungus called Candida Albicans. Now this type of fungus already resides in our vaginal canal and is usually very harmless. But if our body is undergoing a major imbalance like pregnancy, monthly period or we just got sick, it can set off the growth of the fungus and therefore result to an infection.
However, there is some good news; you can actually treat a vaginal yeast infection using simple home remedies like the ones below.
Treatment 1 - get a piece of tampon and some plain yogurt, dip the tampon in the yogurt and insert it inside your vagina. The anti bacterial properties of the yogurt will actually help kill the fungus and relieve the soreness and redness.
Treatment 2 - get some apple cider vinegar, mix it up with water and use it as a vaginal wash or douche. This will help kill the fungus residing in your vagina.
Treatment 3 - cook some oatmeal, take half of it and eat it and apply half of it in the infected area. Oatmeal sucks out the fungus inside our body like what it does with cholesterol and if you apply it directly it also provides relief from the soreness caused by the infection.
Please also try to cut down on sugary foods, because sugar is the main staple food of the fungus. So if you cut off its source of energy it will be easier to get rid of it.
All the above treatments are very helpful but you need to know how and when to use them in order for them to be very effective.
Bacterial vaginosis yeast infection.
Women suffer from candidiasis at various times in their life and need the proper treatment to combat it. Act fast by knowing the common vaginal yeast infection symptoms and obtaining treatment immediately.
Itching and irritation in the genitals is the most universal symptom of vaginal yeast infections. Women may feel a hot irritation and/or excessive itchiness that will be more prominent when wearing tight clothes. Rubbing or itching of the area does not bring relief and can harm your sensitive skin.
The labia (both majora and minora) and the perineal area will become inflamed and irritated. The skin will appear red and swollen. Wearing cotton underwear while suffering from a yeast infection or allowing the area to be exposed to air will help to relieve these symptoms.
Click here to Cure Your Yeast Infection
Another general symptom is vaginal discharge. The substance will leak out throughout the day and night and may leave you feeling messy and even add to the discomfort in the genitals. Resist the urge to use a panty liner as it can increase the irritation and hold moisture in the area.
Another widespread symptom caused by the infection and the discharge is a foul smelling vaginal odor. You can combat the smell by keeping the area clean and dry and changing underwear frequently. Do not use fragrant products as the chemicals will cause the infection and irritation to flare up.
Perhaps the first symptom that a woman will feel, and one that will last the duration of the infection, is a burning sensation while urinating. There may also be pressure and an urgency to urinate. Pain during the process can be felt on the outer skin and also as a cramping sensation inside. Holding your urine will not help the situation and yeast infection treatment will cause it to fade.
It is not uncommon to experience pain and discomfort during intercourse if you are suffering from a vaginal yeast infection. As the skin in the genital area is inflamed and sensitive, any friction, moisture and foreign materials (such as condoms) will only cause further pain. Rubbing may heighten the irritation and it is understandable that women experiencing this type of problem have less desire for intercourse. Even topical creams will not alleviate the discomfort enough to allow for enjoyment.
Not all women experience each of the above vaginal yeast infection symptoms. Some will seem more prevalent than others and some will disappear quickly once treatment has begun. As soon as a woman notices these symptoms, it is important that she make an appointment to be examined by her doctor. Simple things like wearing breathable clothing and frequently urinating will keep certain symptoms at bay.
It is important to note that many vaginal yeast infection symptoms are also common signs of other vaginal conditions. Your doctor’s exam will assure you of the problem, direct you to the correct treatment and alleviate any concerns. If you have experienced a vaginal yeast infection in the past, you may recognize the symptoms and choose the most effective treatment immediately.
Itching and irritation in the genitals is the most universal symptom of vaginal yeast infections. Women may feel a hot irritation and/or excessive itchiness that will be more prominent when wearing tight clothes. Rubbing or itching of the area does not bring relief and can harm your sensitive skin.
The labia (both majora and minora) and the perineal area will become inflamed and irritated. The skin will appear red and swollen. Wearing cotton underwear while suffering from a yeast infection or allowing the area to be exposed to air will help to relieve these symptoms.
Click here to Cure Your Yeast Infection
Another general symptom is vaginal discharge. The substance will leak out throughout the day and night and may leave you feeling messy and even add to the discomfort in the genitals. Resist the urge to use a panty liner as it can increase the irritation and hold moisture in the area.
Another widespread symptom caused by the infection and the discharge is a foul smelling vaginal odor. You can combat the smell by keeping the area clean and dry and changing underwear frequently. Do not use fragrant products as the chemicals will cause the infection and irritation to flare up.
Perhaps the first symptom that a woman will feel, and one that will last the duration of the infection, is a burning sensation while urinating. There may also be pressure and an urgency to urinate. Pain during the process can be felt on the outer skin and also as a cramping sensation inside. Holding your urine will not help the situation and yeast infection treatment will cause it to fade.
It is not uncommon to experience pain and discomfort during intercourse if you are suffering from a vaginal yeast infection. As the skin in the genital area is inflamed and sensitive, any friction, moisture and foreign materials (such as condoms) will only cause further pain. Rubbing may heighten the irritation and it is understandable that women experiencing this type of problem have less desire for intercourse. Even topical creams will not alleviate the discomfort enough to allow for enjoyment.
Not all women experience each of the above vaginal yeast infection symptoms. Some will seem more prevalent than others and some will disappear quickly once treatment has begun. As soon as a woman notices these symptoms, it is important that she make an appointment to be examined by her doctor. Simple things like wearing breathable clothing and frequently urinating will keep certain symptoms at bay.
It is important to note that many vaginal yeast infection symptoms are also common signs of other vaginal conditions. Your doctor’s exam will assure you of the problem, direct you to the correct treatment and alleviate any concerns. If you have experienced a vaginal yeast infection in the past, you may recognize the symptoms and choose the most effective treatment immediately.
Candidiasis .
Most women experience the discomfort of candidiasis at some point in their life. Knowing the common vaginal yeast infection symptoms will help women to treat the problem quickly and resume their normal activities.
Many sufferers will experience heat, irritation and itchiness in the genital area as a result of a vaginal yeast infection. The sensitivity will not fade with rubbing or itching and is exasperated by tight clothing or fabrics that don't allow proper air flow.
A woman's vaginal area will swell, redden and become irritated while she experiences a candidiasis infection. The inflammation will be most prominent in the perineal region as well as the labia majora and the labia minora. Undergarments that restrict air flow (such as polyester and other synthetic fabrics) will heighten these symptoms. Allow air to soothe the irritation as much as possible.
Most women will also experience vaginal discharge during an infection. As the fluid keeps the skin moist, it can add to the irritation and itchiness. Keep dry as much as possible. The use of panty liners is not recommended as they hold the moisture close to the genitals.
The presence of the discharge, as well as the infection inside the body results in a foul odor. If undergarments are not changed regularly and proper hygiene is not practiced, the odor grows stronger. Don't use a fragrance product at this time as the chemicals will tend to aggravate the infection.
Pain and a burning sensation during urination is often the first symptom a woman feels when a yeast infection is present. The discomfort may last for the duration of the infection. An urgent need to urinate and an uncomfortable pressure are also common. Pain can feel like a cramp in the area or be a result of inflamed skin irritation. Attempting to hold the urine or avoiding urination will not help and the pain will likely increase due to complications.
When a vaginal yeast infection is present many women complain of pain and discomfort during intercourse. Whether this is due to the friction involved or a reaction to any birth control used (such as condoms), it is common and understandable to experience a reduced desire. Sensitivity in the genitals is painful at this time and any type of rubbing may result in more tenderness. Even with topical treatments, intercourse is often the last thing on a woman's mind at this time.
Women may experience all or only some of these vaginal yeast infection symptoms. Once she notices them, she will need to see her doctor and obtain treatment right away. Many of the symptoms will lessen quickly with treatment. Others steps, such as wearing cotton undergarments and urinating whenever the needs arises will help with the discomfort.
Some of the common candidiasis infection symptoms are shared by other vaginal conditions and diseases. Be sure to have a doctor properly diagnose the problem to eliminate worry. Many women experience yeast infections throughout their life and will become familiar with the symptoms and the treatment most efficient for them.
Many sufferers will experience heat, irritation and itchiness in the genital area as a result of a vaginal yeast infection. The sensitivity will not fade with rubbing or itching and is exasperated by tight clothing or fabrics that don't allow proper air flow.
A woman's vaginal area will swell, redden and become irritated while she experiences a candidiasis infection. The inflammation will be most prominent in the perineal region as well as the labia majora and the labia minora. Undergarments that restrict air flow (such as polyester and other synthetic fabrics) will heighten these symptoms. Allow air to soothe the irritation as much as possible.
Most women will also experience vaginal discharge during an infection. As the fluid keeps the skin moist, it can add to the irritation and itchiness. Keep dry as much as possible. The use of panty liners is not recommended as they hold the moisture close to the genitals.
The presence of the discharge, as well as the infection inside the body results in a foul odor. If undergarments are not changed regularly and proper hygiene is not practiced, the odor grows stronger. Don't use a fragrance product at this time as the chemicals will tend to aggravate the infection.
Pain and a burning sensation during urination is often the first symptom a woman feels when a yeast infection is present. The discomfort may last for the duration of the infection. An urgent need to urinate and an uncomfortable pressure are also common. Pain can feel like a cramp in the area or be a result of inflamed skin irritation. Attempting to hold the urine or avoiding urination will not help and the pain will likely increase due to complications.
When a vaginal yeast infection is present many women complain of pain and discomfort during intercourse. Whether this is due to the friction involved or a reaction to any birth control used (such as condoms), it is common and understandable to experience a reduced desire. Sensitivity in the genitals is painful at this time and any type of rubbing may result in more tenderness. Even with topical treatments, intercourse is often the last thing on a woman's mind at this time.
Women may experience all or only some of these vaginal yeast infection symptoms. Once she notices them, she will need to see her doctor and obtain treatment right away. Many of the symptoms will lessen quickly with treatment. Others steps, such as wearing cotton undergarments and urinating whenever the needs arises will help with the discomfort.
Some of the common candidiasis infection symptoms are shared by other vaginal conditions and diseases. Be sure to have a doctor properly diagnose the problem to eliminate worry. Many women experience yeast infections throughout their life and will become familiar with the symptoms and the treatment most efficient for them.
You can stop the yeast cycle however.
There are a variety of factors responsible for spread of yeast infection, like low estrogen levels, diabetes, contraceptives, and regular use of feminine care products. You can stop the yeast cycle however.
Using natural remedies like garlic and other treatments found in The 12 Hour Cure For Yeast Infection will help stop the symptoms and treat the root of the infection.
At the early signs of a vaginal yeast infection, the first mistake most of the women do is to run to the drug store without considering the option of the natural home treatment available to them. Rather than spending a lot of money on fungal creams that only tend to cause more pain when applied on the vagina, the natural home treatment 12 Hour Cure For Yeast Infection is much more effective.
Also, it is seen that some prescribed treatments are not even useful because you may select the one that the particular yeast is resistant to. That нs a complete loss of money.
Some people prefer to wait it out and allow their body immune system to take control and do all the work. Don't practice this, as your body needs as much cooperation as it can get from you!
You must have read several articles advising severe changes in diet as a home treatments but you may be unaware of some of the home remedies that The 12 Hour Cure will instruct you in. One remedy to note is that yogurt is the best option for a do-it-yourself natural treatment.
There are two ways of applying this and the most effective one requires keeping natural yogurt (unflavored and sugar-free) in a plastic container and then freezing them. This will create for you a yogurt Popsicle that can be later inserted by you in your vagina.
You will be surprised at the speed the yogurt acts on the infection. This is mainly because yogurt contains Lactobacilli, the chief enemy of yeast.
If you feel this method is too invasive, try to eat lots of yogurt with the aim of having Lactobacilli in your digestive system. You could also try a home remedy similar to those found in The 12 Hour Cure which is garlic. Garlic will regulate the yeast and has been used for hundreds of years as a treatment for this common infection. You can peel or skin garlic and wrap it in washed cheesecloth.
Put the garlic wrap in a tampon applicator and insert into the vagina. You can easily remove it because the cheesecloth fabric will act as a string to pull. Use this overnight for a fast result. Although you might smell of garlic for a day the results are worth it.
Another natural remedy similar to those found in The 12 Hour Cure would be using cranberries. Though it is commonly used to treat urinary tract infections, it is also effective against yeast infections. Eating cranberries lowers the pH level of your urine.
Because of this the acidity of the urine will be useful in fighting against the yeast infection itself. It can be used in combination with the yogurt or any other yeast infection home treatment.
Try a combination of these treatments, as there is no threat or risk by using them. Just ensure that you are not allergic to yogurt, garlic or cranberries and you will be surprised to find how effective a natural cure really is.
Using natural remedies like garlic and other treatments found in The 12 Hour Cure For Yeast Infection will help stop the symptoms and treat the root of the infection.
At the early signs of a vaginal yeast infection, the first mistake most of the women do is to run to the drug store without considering the option of the natural home treatment available to them. Rather than spending a lot of money on fungal creams that only tend to cause more pain when applied on the vagina, the natural home treatment 12 Hour Cure For Yeast Infection is much more effective.
Also, it is seen that some prescribed treatments are not even useful because you may select the one that the particular yeast is resistant to. That нs a complete loss of money.
Some people prefer to wait it out and allow their body immune system to take control and do all the work. Don't practice this, as your body needs as much cooperation as it can get from you!
You must have read several articles advising severe changes in diet as a home treatments but you may be unaware of some of the home remedies that The 12 Hour Cure will instruct you in. One remedy to note is that yogurt is the best option for a do-it-yourself natural treatment.
There are two ways of applying this and the most effective one requires keeping natural yogurt (unflavored and sugar-free) in a plastic container and then freezing them. This will create for you a yogurt Popsicle that can be later inserted by you in your vagina.
You will be surprised at the speed the yogurt acts on the infection. This is mainly because yogurt contains Lactobacilli, the chief enemy of yeast.
If you feel this method is too invasive, try to eat lots of yogurt with the aim of having Lactobacilli in your digestive system. You could also try a home remedy similar to those found in The 12 Hour Cure which is garlic. Garlic will regulate the yeast and has been used for hundreds of years as a treatment for this common infection. You can peel or skin garlic and wrap it in washed cheesecloth.
Put the garlic wrap in a tampon applicator and insert into the vagina. You can easily remove it because the cheesecloth fabric will act as a string to pull. Use this overnight for a fast result. Although you might smell of garlic for a day the results are worth it.
Another natural remedy similar to those found in The 12 Hour Cure would be using cranberries. Though it is commonly used to treat urinary tract infections, it is also effective against yeast infections. Eating cranberries lowers the pH level of your urine.
Because of this the acidity of the urine will be useful in fighting against the yeast infection itself. It can be used in combination with the yogurt or any other yeast infection home treatment.
Try a combination of these treatments, as there is no threat or risk by using them. Just ensure that you are not allergic to yogurt, garlic or cranberries and you will be surprised to find how effective a natural cure really is.
Bacterial vaginosis antibiotics.
If you are wondering about whether it is worthwhile using bacterial vaginosis antibiotic treatment, like most women you will have had the stark realization that antibiotics do not seem to cure the condition altogether in the long term. Indeed most women find that once they have the condition, they simply cannot seem to shake it off and find that they have repeated outbreaks throughout their adult life.
Antibiotics work by killing off bacteria, and this is a job which they largely do very effectively. If successful bacterial vaginosis treatment was nothing more than the killing off of bacteria, then there would not be a problem. However, there is more to it than that!
BV is caused by an imbalance of the naturally occurring bacteria within the vagina. Under normal circumstances, various strains cohabit in harmony, with beneficial or "good" bacteria exerting a protective effect, killing off any strains of harmful bacteria which begin to overgrow. When this job is not being done efficiently, the symptoms of BV will begin which include a foul, fishy smelling discharge and some irritation or burning around the vagina. Antibiotics kill off all bacteria, including the beneficial strains, leaving the vagina with no protection once the antibiotics have finished working.
The second issue with using bacterial vaginosis antibiotic treatment is that the only way to successfully eliminate the condition is to use a range of strategies, and killing harmful bacteria is just one of these. When the bacteria is killed, there is no doubt that symptoms will be temporarily relieved, but as the underlying cause remains, recurrent outbreaks are likely to happen.
To be successful, treatment needs to incorporate the following elements:-
* Symptomatic relief
* Elimination of common root causes
* Enhancement of levels of good bacteria
* Killing of harmful bacteria
* Strengthening of the immune system
When you look at the list above you can see why bacterial vaginosis antibiotic treatment can be ineffective in the long term.
Antibiotics work by killing off bacteria, and this is a job which they largely do very effectively. If successful bacterial vaginosis treatment was nothing more than the killing off of bacteria, then there would not be a problem. However, there is more to it than that!
BV is caused by an imbalance of the naturally occurring bacteria within the vagina. Under normal circumstances, various strains cohabit in harmony, with beneficial or "good" bacteria exerting a protective effect, killing off any strains of harmful bacteria which begin to overgrow. When this job is not being done efficiently, the symptoms of BV will begin which include a foul, fishy smelling discharge and some irritation or burning around the vagina. Antibiotics kill off all bacteria, including the beneficial strains, leaving the vagina with no protection once the antibiotics have finished working.
The second issue with using bacterial vaginosis antibiotic treatment is that the only way to successfully eliminate the condition is to use a range of strategies, and killing harmful bacteria is just one of these. When the bacteria is killed, there is no doubt that symptoms will be temporarily relieved, but as the underlying cause remains, recurrent outbreaks are likely to happen.
To be successful, treatment needs to incorporate the following elements:-
* Symptomatic relief
* Elimination of common root causes
* Enhancement of levels of good bacteria
* Killing of harmful bacteria
* Strengthening of the immune system
When you look at the list above you can see why bacterial vaginosis antibiotic treatment can be ineffective in the long term.
Bacterial vaginosis treatment.
Bacterial Vaginosis is a very common vaginal infection many women face. But now you need not worry as there are many cures for Bacteria Vaginosis. This infection is caused by the abnormal multiplication of the bacteria that is present in the vagina, which results in foul smell and white discharge.
Unlike some other vaginal infections, bacterial vaginosis is not sexually transmitted and also it is not caused through intercourse. This is supported by the fact that even virgins have become victims of this bacterial infection. It is mostly found in women between the age of 14 and 44.
The cure for bacterial vaginosis is simply taking antibiotics. Antibiotics like metronidazole and clindamycin which is taken orally or vaginally on consultation with your doctor is known to be very effective. Even when the symptoms subside, you must continue to take the antibiotics for the course as prescribed by your doctor. But the biggest problem with these pills and creams is that they keep recurring despite getting rid of it entirely.
Before we go about the cures for bacterial vaginosis, we know that 'prevention is better than cure'. Here are some ways to prevent it from coming up in the first place.
-have proper balanced diet
-maintain good hygiene
-avoid douching
-stay away from smoking
-have good sexual habits
-use condoms
-wear loose and comfortable undergarments.
But once attacked, you must go for cures for bacterial vaginosis, and not expect it to disappear on its own. As if they are left untreated it can even lead to much serious ailments like pelvic inflammatory disease and cause miscarriage or preterm labour in pregnant women.
If you do not like taking medicines and prefer natural cures for bacterial vaginosis here are a few. Let yourself soak in water with a few drops of tea tree oil or a cup of cider vinegar. The antibiotic nature of the oil and the acidity of the vinegar kill the bad bacteria and maintain balance of infection's alkaline nature respectively. Using a tampon soaked in probiotic yoghurt eliminates bad bacteria and brings about good ones. Using packs of ice or cold water to relieve the irritation in the vaginal area is a good idea too.
If these cures for bacterial vaginosis do not work or get severe, consult you doctor immediately. It is not wise to treat yourself for such ailments or buy over-the-counter drugs, but go for professional help.
Unlike some other vaginal infections, bacterial vaginosis is not sexually transmitted and also it is not caused through intercourse. This is supported by the fact that even virgins have become victims of this bacterial infection. It is mostly found in women between the age of 14 and 44.
The cure for bacterial vaginosis is simply taking antibiotics. Antibiotics like metronidazole and clindamycin which is taken orally or vaginally on consultation with your doctor is known to be very effective. Even when the symptoms subside, you must continue to take the antibiotics for the course as prescribed by your doctor. But the biggest problem with these pills and creams is that they keep recurring despite getting rid of it entirely.
Before we go about the cures for bacterial vaginosis, we know that 'prevention is better than cure'. Here are some ways to prevent it from coming up in the first place.
-have proper balanced diet
-maintain good hygiene
-avoid douching
-stay away from smoking
-have good sexual habits
-use condoms
-wear loose and comfortable undergarments.
But once attacked, you must go for cures for bacterial vaginosis, and not expect it to disappear on its own. As if they are left untreated it can even lead to much serious ailments like pelvic inflammatory disease and cause miscarriage or preterm labour in pregnant women.
If you do not like taking medicines and prefer natural cures for bacterial vaginosis here are a few. Let yourself soak in water with a few drops of tea tree oil or a cup of cider vinegar. The antibiotic nature of the oil and the acidity of the vinegar kill the bad bacteria and maintain balance of infection's alkaline nature respectively. Using a tampon soaked in probiotic yoghurt eliminates bad bacteria and brings about good ones. Using packs of ice or cold water to relieve the irritation in the vaginal area is a good idea too.
If these cures for bacterial vaginosis do not work or get severe, consult you doctor immediately. It is not wise to treat yourself for such ailments or buy over-the-counter drugs, but go for professional help.
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