Saturday, March 20, 2010

Candida albicans or Candidasis.

This infection needs to be treated as early as possible so that it doesn't bring about any severe health problems especially during pregnancy. Vaginal yeast infection treatment is done using drugs, over-the-counter prescriptions, antifungal creams or even using natural methods.


Vaginal yeast infection treatment can be done using natural ways; some of them are given for you to know;

· Dietary changes - Dietary changes are essential for the treatment of the infection. Your diet must include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish and poultry, Oat bran, essential fatty acids like olive oil and most importantly plenty of water. All the more items like alcohol, caffeine, junk foods, sugar, margarine and white flour products should be avoided.

· Boric acid or Borax - This is also known to kill severe yeast infections. However, it may cause excess vaginal discharge and burning sensation. Boric acid is usually used for suppository treatments.

· Cranberries - These are used to treat urinary tract infection. These lower the pH of your urine and thus help in combating yeast infections.

· Garlic - Garlic should be added to the diet as it contains anti-fungal substance that kill off the yeast. It can also be used internally. However, this may not work for severe infection.

· Tea tree oil - Tea tree oil is also widely used for curing yeast infections.

· Yoghurt - It contains a bacterium which kills yeast by producing hydrogen peroxide. Yoghurt can be applied directly to the vulva and into the vagina till the infection is cured twice a day.

· Vaginal douching with tea infusion with dried herbs like Goldenseal and Oregon Grape Root is also an effective vaginal yeast infection treatment.

· When you use the mixture of vinegar along with water on the vaginal area, it helps a lot. This mixture is mainly used in order to kill any type of bacteria which is formed in the area and also making sure the good bacteria is not killed in the process.

Vaginal yeast infection treatment can be done in the ways states above, however it is always important to make sure what you do before going ahead with any type of curing means since you are going to be dealing with an extremely sensitive area that requires proper treatment. The reason why you require treatment either natural or medicines is to avoid any future infections.

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