Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bacterial vaginosis yeast infection.

Women suffer from candidiasis at various times in their life and need the proper treatment to combat it. Act fast by knowing the common vaginal yeast infection symptoms and obtaining treatment immediately.

Itching and irritation in the genitals is the most universal symptom of vaginal yeast infections. Women may feel a hot irritation and/or excessive itchiness that will be more prominent when wearing tight clothes. Rubbing or itching of the area does not bring relief and can harm your sensitive skin.

The labia (both majora and minora) and the perineal area will become inflamed and irritated. The skin will appear red and swollen. Wearing cotton underwear while suffering from a yeast infection or allowing the area to be exposed to air will help to relieve these symptoms.

Click here to Cure Your Yeast Infection

Another general symptom is vaginal discharge. The substance will leak out throughout the day and night and may leave you feeling messy and even add to the discomfort in the genitals. Resist the urge to use a panty liner as it can increase the irritation and hold moisture in the area.

Another widespread symptom caused by the infection and the discharge is a foul smelling vaginal odor. You can combat the smell by keeping the area clean and dry and changing underwear frequently. Do not use fragrant products as the chemicals will cause the infection and irritation to flare up.

Perhaps the first symptom that a woman will feel, and one that will last the duration of the infection, is a burning sensation while urinating. There may also be pressure and an urgency to urinate. Pain during the process can be felt on the outer skin and also as a cramping sensation inside. Holding your urine will not help the situation and yeast infection treatment will cause it to fade.

It is not uncommon to experience pain and discomfort during intercourse if you are suffering from a vaginal yeast infection. As the skin in the genital area is inflamed and sensitive, any friction, moisture and foreign materials (such as condoms) will only cause further pain. Rubbing may heighten the irritation and it is understandable that women experiencing this type of problem have less desire for intercourse. Even topical creams will not alleviate the discomfort enough to allow for enjoyment.

Not all women experience each of the above vaginal yeast infection symptoms. Some will seem more prevalent than others and some will disappear quickly once treatment has begun. As soon as a woman notices these symptoms, it is important that she make an appointment to be examined by her doctor. Simple things like wearing breathable clothing and frequently urinating will keep certain symptoms at bay.

It is important to note that many vaginal yeast infection symptoms are also common signs of other vaginal conditions. Your doctor’s exam will assure you of the problem, direct you to the correct treatment and alleviate any concerns. If you have experienced a vaginal yeast infection in the past, you may recognize the symptoms and choose the most effective treatment immediately.

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